Wednesday, 12 April 2017

current events

Blog Post Title: Current Events Term 1

Current Events Term 1

In Current Events I covered these topics:

  • The design of the Halswell Skate Park and I made a submission to the council.
  • Donald Trump’s Refugee Plan
  • Christchurch Earth Memorial
  • The new Ngā Puna Wai Sports Facility
  • The Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan with a submission to the council.

My favourite topic was skate park because I got to work with my firend brayden and it was a good project .

Here is a link to my learning assessment task on the Red Zone and Avon River Regeneration Plan.

The Reading National Standards I have achieved are (delete the ones that are not relevant)
  • Year 7 and 8
    • Identifying and resolving issues that come from competing information in texts
      gathering, evaluating, and synthesising information across a small range of texts
    • I can use appropriate skills and technologies to find and use a range of texts for specific purposes.

Jak's Evaluate statements made by others about the findings of statistical investigations and probability

Evaluate statements made by others about the findings of statistical investigations and probability activities.

In the newspaper article, ‘Which Social Media for Teens?’ instgram, it was reported that young people are using different forms of social media than they did a few years ago.
Read the article below and comment on whether the reporter’s statements are consistent with the survey data.
Which Social Media for Teens? He has got the wrong the facebook thing wrong
It looks like Facebook is no longer cool amongst the teens of today.  Instagram and Twitter have taken over the most popular social networks among American children and these kids are ditching Facebook.
Research has shown that today’s teens are no longer using Facebook. Rather, they are using Instagram and Twitter. There has been a steady decline in the usage of Facebook, with all other social networks increasing in popularity. Surveys of 15,000 social network users between the ages of 13 and 19 over the past three years, gave the following results:
Source: This article has been created for the purpose of this statistics exercise and is not from any publication.

Jak's Term 1 Novel Study

Term 1 Novel Study

This term I have been reading and studying the novel abandon ship

I found this novel great  because their is a lot of darma through out the book

During the novel I had to complete two major assessment tasks. The first is an Explain Map which shows the consequences of a major event in the book. The second was a Describe++ Map (Inference map) which shows I how I have connected prior knowledge and other experiences to what I have been reading to make an inference.

National Standard this covers

  • Year 7/8  Standard
    • using several pieces of information to make inferences
      using their prior knowledge, along with information in the text, to interpret abstract ideas, complex plots, and sophisticated themes
    • I can use a range of strategies, such as inferring, to work out more complex words.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

gardening club e#1

I have been working very hard we got sliver in the gardening show so we did I had to show repcet to other people and our grandening show we did .

pals e#1

this is really not about pals we have to show exllence while do wet day motior beacuse year 6s were away so I got a ok classroom it was fun it got anyoing at times so I had to work through it

here is a little measage about the care vaules

 here is the link below
