Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Maggie The Kiwi Dog

Maggie the kiwi dog she helped  find kiwis . WALT know what different words mean. I had to find diffident bits in the story what had to break down and put it onto my word map .

Friday, 27 May 2016


        Facts about cheetahsImage result for cheetahImage result for cheetah
WALT inform others about  an animal I create or habitat  through our writing
Thier speed is about a 110 km an hour their length is about 1.1 -1.5  height is about 66 cm -94  how much they weight 21 – 72 kg (Adult)  cheetahs eat antelope birds hares  and also related cheaters are related to bobcats they also live in trees in africa  .Cheaters are very fast they are  the fasted animals in the world  on land they are Quick to get to the other ammail .There are difficult type of cheaters South african cheetah They live for 10-12 years  .

May 23, 2016 10:36:47 AM.jpg

Made by jak and bra

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

maths Questions

WALT I can recall the addition facts to 20
I had to do is give it to my friend and he right down questions what are the test and I have to answer them
Made by Jak . 

                            May 24, 2016 9:39:28 AM.jpg


Thursday, 19 May 2016

jak's Dear Diary

WALT view the world from another person’s point of view.

                         Dear Diary
As I was going through  the battlefield all I could hear was ‘boom bang’ of the guns and shells. As I was sleeping all I could hear was ‘err err err’ all night long, the noise of the mice squeaking and eating the crumbs on the floor of the trench .
Over night you could not get to sleep because of the mouse and your friends dieing .
The trenches were so gross I could spew because their were mouse down their and worms .

It is so hard being away from your family because your friends are dying and then you don’t have any one else  know people .
One day when I was going through the battlefield I got shot in the arm.  I fell down onto the exploded shell and I saw a German soldier in the shell how too, he was injured …  
5/5/16 We had  to wear clothes for three months without taking them off and the only wash we got was the rain but to be absolutely honest I did not like it at war.  
The meals were not satisfying,  every night for tea  I ate stew, you would only get the very thick, chewy meat and not a lot of it.


Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Cross Counrty Poem

WAlT Use poetic verse to recount an event we participated in.

The cross Country  event  was  usual enough ;it had the (name 5 things that were at the crouse motion of cones the nervous people the flags were waving in the Breeze the trees big and small  and even rushing leaves

My friends my classmates and I did what kids do best (6 actions verb adjective noun  about the cross country )  

paced myself

Smile laughed  past my friends

Came 1 st  

have fun

There were thousands of cones

Grass tracks shoes cloths domain toilets pierpants  chering
Doing  cross counrty

Monday, 16 May 2016

2016 goal review

Term 2 2016 Goals,  Review and Next Steps
New Goals for Term 2                                                                         NB: (You write in the white areas)
Term 2 Reading Goal
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...

Term 2 Writing Goal
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
Walt  to spell everyday (and /or difficult ) words accurately in our wittering

Term 2 Maths Goal
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
Doubling and having    

From Term 1 (to be reviewed again at the end of Term 2)
Parent Goal(s)
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
To improve writing and Reading be more confident in his work -yes believing in himself if I get stuck what to do

Student Goal(s)
Eg What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
Next Step
Eg My next step is……...
To help people who need help and focus on my own learning